All You Need to Know About the ‘Learning Styles’ Myth, in Two Minutes
Jessica Souza
blog post 3
The title explains what this author's views are on learning styles; he is not for learning styles at all. In the article he mentions many times how it is truly a myth and that pretty much no one should believe it. He found this fact while he was doing research which he was saying that he thought it was crazy and people were brainwashed into it “96 percent believed in the idea of preferred learning styles.” He breaks the article up into sections that make it an easy and an interesting read to get a different point of view.
He talks about learning styles theory being something that is really popular because it is something that all or attleast most parents can understand. So not only do they have teachers and highly educated people on their side, they have the average parent on their side as well. He goes on to talking about scientists and experts in the field calling the evidence “weak” and that there may not be any real steady evidence to back up learning styles. He says that there is a study saying that “Indeed, a review published in 2004 identified over 71 different styles mooted in the literature.” This brings him on a rant of how do we believe that there is only 3 when there are so many possibilities. He says in one way it is good then he goes on saying, “Let’s bury this harmful myth”. In ways he is contradicting what he is saying himself in one paragraph he say that it is not all bad and we should teach some of it. Then in the following paragraph he goes on to saying how we need to get ride of learning styles for good and never hear about it again.
I think some things from this article are interesting and good to use but others may not be very good to use. Before we would use this article I think we should do a little more research on the author of this article and see if he ever did publish that book he said that he was writing to see if it has any good information for our project.
JARRETT, A. (n.d.). All You Need to Know About the ‘Learning Styles’ Myth, in Two Minutes. Retrieved October 8, 2015.